If you are one of the few people who read my blog you may be wondering as to what prompted the extreme changes to my blog and what the heck self actualization means. It was all prompted by my reflections of my past life (aka highschool and before) and wondering why I was so happy back then. I realized that I was not focused on one specific part of my well being but on the whole spectrum. I was focused on school and good grades, seminary, church, my hobbies, like reading and knitting and cake decorating, sports, friends, and my family. This past year, I was always focused on one thing and if I failed that, no matter how small, it destroyed my whole world because that's all I had going for me. Whereas in highschool because I had so much going on, I was not stressed on making it absolutely perfect because I knew that was impossible and I was happy with my best which was good. I was balanced. Before this my blog was all about becoming skinny and perfect and THEN being happy but now I want to find joy in the present and find myself and be the happy person I was. I have so many interests and when I take time for them I am so happy and am actually good, no great at them! I want this blog to be a reflection of my happy life, I want it to show the awesome dress I sewed for Sam, the amazing french dinner I cooked for my family, my highly stressful yet entertaining work life at McDonald's, and all the fun times I have with my family. I want it to show me, the real me.
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