
I have something to say: Life is hard. But it doesn't have to be miserable.

As my favorite Aunt Anabelle says, "You choose to be happy or sad. It's your decision." My mom might also have said that... in fact I'm 99.99999% sure that she has said that but as far as my memory goes, Anabelle was the first so she gets the credit.

Why am I telling you this(whoever you are)?

Because I have been making myself miserable for the past two years. And after a good couple of days where I have been choosing to be happy I can see that it was my chose to be miserable. Yes they were still hard years, hardest I've been through and I'm excited for it to be over and to be back home, but these last couple of days have been hard too.

I know that it is up to me how I deal with trials and the biggest factor in being happy is trusting God and turning to Him. I'll be honest, I turned my back on Him these past two years because I didn't want help. I thought I could handle it on my own and was too proud to humble myself for help.

I know now that no amount of pride will get me through this life.

I hope I will always know that because I never want to be miserable again.


  1. Dear Tessie: I'm SO glad to see you becoming happier. You are such an amazing and beautiful girl and have the ability to do whatever you want to do. You just have to decide to do it.

  2. Thanks, Grandma! I'm working on it :) Hope you're doing well!


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