Happy 2013!
Happy New Year, everyone!
I can't believe that a whole year has gone by already. It has been a very eventful year for me and I am so very grateful for all the opportunities that have come my way this year!
I can't believe that a whole year has gone by already. It has been a very eventful year for me and I am so very grateful for all the opportunities that have come my way this year!
- I've been at Paul Mitchell the School for a whole year now! This has been one of the best things to happen for me - my very first "grown up" job :) I'm very good at my job and love feeling appreciated by my coworkers and the students.
- I waddled through a half marathon in 3 hours! This was cool for me 'cause I did not train and actually did an ok job which showed me my athletic potential. But I'm pretty sure I hate running and never want to do that again :)
- I started personal training school! I love my school and I love learning all about my body and I am excited to find the athlete in me again :)
- School helped me lose 15 lbs :)
- I can bench 100lbs!!
- I can do 40 pushups! (on my knees, but still!)
- I am happy and joyful and sweet again!
I celebrated New Years with friends, playing games the whole night, it was fun. But one of the best things that happened was one guy, who I've known since I was 14 but I haven't seen in about 3 years due to his mission and me being in college, made the comment that I have barely changed since highschool. I was taken aback a moment since that is usually a negative, to not have changed from highschool, so I brushed it off and the conversation continued. As I drove home, I thought it over, looking at the last 3 and 1/2 years and was confused, I had changed so much! However I realized that I had changed for the worse and didn't like who I was, missing who I had been in high school. But then I thought of the last year and who I am now and realized I was more like my past self! It was really a compliment! I had regressed from who I was but I am back now, and oh, so very happy! 2012 was the year I found myself again. And I am ready to take this year by storm! 2013 is my year! My year to shine and be everything I want to be! So here are my resolutions and goals (in no particular order) for this wonderful, amazing, fantastic year!
- Read my scriptures everyday
- Write in my journal everyday
- Blog once a week
- Run 2 miles 5 times a week
- Certify in April
- Go to Albania with Stephanie this summer
- Move out this summer
- Lose 40 lbs (and win Bubbest Loser :P)
- Take dance lessons
- Try out for the Denver Nuggets Dancers
- Work 2 jobs
- Go to Mexico!
- Be more active and social in my ward
- Bench 150 lbs!!
- Do 40 REAL "MAN" pushups!!
- Perfect my squat
- Dress up for the Hobbit :)
- Improve my French
- Learn Italian
This year is going to be AMAZING!
I am beyond ready! BRING IT, 2013!!!!