Happy 2013!

Happy New Year, everyone!

I can't believe that a whole year has gone by already.  It has been a very eventful year for me and I am so very grateful for all the opportunities that have come my way this year!

  1. I've been at Paul Mitchell the School for a whole year now!  This has been one of the best things to happen for me - my very first "grown up" job :)  I'm very good at my job and love feeling appreciated by my coworkers and the students.
  2. I waddled through a half marathon in 3 hours!  This was cool for me 'cause I did not train and actually did an ok job which showed me my athletic potential.  But I'm pretty sure I hate running and never want to do that again :)
  3. I started personal training school! I love my school and I love learning all about my body and I am excited to find the athlete in me again :)
  4. School helped me lose 15 lbs :)
  5. I can bench 100lbs!!
  6. I can do 40 pushups!  (on my knees, but still!)
  7. I am happy and joyful and sweet again!
I celebrated New Years with friends, playing games the whole night, it was fun.  But one of the best things that happened was one guy, who I've known since I was 14 but I haven't seen in about 3 years due to his mission and me being in college, made the comment that I have barely changed since highschool.  I was taken aback a moment since that is usually a negative, to not have changed from highschool, so I brushed it off and the conversation continued.  As I drove home, I thought it over, looking at the last 3 and 1/2 years and was confused, I had changed so much!  However I realized that I had changed for the worse and didn't like who I was, missing who I had been in high school.  But then I thought of the last year and who I am now and realized I was more like my past self!  It was really a compliment!  I had regressed from who I was but I am back now, and oh, so very happy!  2012 was the year I found myself again.  And I am ready to take this year by storm!  2013 is my year!  My year to shine and be everything I want to be!  So here are my resolutions and goals (in no particular order) for this wonderful, amazing, fantastic year!

  1. Read my scriptures everyday
  2. Write in my journal everyday
  3. Blog once a week
  4. Run 2 miles 5 times a week
  6. Certify in April
  7. Go to Albania with Stephanie this summer
  8. Move out this summer
  9. Lose 40 lbs (and win Bubbest Loser :P)
  10. Take dance lessons
  11. Try out for the Denver Nuggets Dancers
  12. Work 2 jobs
  13. Go to Mexico!
  14. Be more active and social in my ward
  15. Bench 150 lbs!!
  16. Do 40 REAL "MAN" pushups!!
  17. Perfect my squat
  18. Dress up for the Hobbit :)
  19. Improve my French
  20. Learn Italian
This year is going to be AMAZING!

I am beyond ready!  BRING IT, 2013!!!!


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