
So, sorry for the absence but life is insane so... yeah, I took a blog break.  I have several orders of business to take care of.

The first one.....
Ta-da!  I got my hair cut!

Sorry, for the poor quality, it's my laptop camera
Anabelle, my dear aunt, took me (and Steph, who kindly accompanied me) to.... I think it was Marinello's beauty school.... whatever!  It was a beauty school!  I wanted a change cause my hair was just sooo long and shapeless and dying, so she kindly dropped me off on her way to Salt Lake after saying goodbye to me before I left Provo.  Unfortunately, she did not get to see the finished product and that is why I uploaded the pictures.   Thanks, Anabelle!!!

Second, Il Volo's CD comes out in 5 minutes!!  (It will probably be out and hopefully downloaded by the time this is posted, AHHH!!  EXCITEMENT!!)  I can't believe the wait is FINALLY OVER!!!!  DO YOU KNOW HOW LONG I HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR THIS?????  ACH!

Third, I freaking adore dental assisting!  I'm 99.9999999% sure that I will be doing this for a living :)  It rocks.  I'm getting the hang of it and have even, gasp, ASSISTED!  I have fetched instruments, cleaned rooms, sterilized instruments, handed instruments to the working dental assistants, held the sucky thingy, attempted to take x-rays (this is a lot harder than I thought it would be and the technique is still evading me, but do not fret, faithful followers!  I shall prevail!), and processed x-rays.  I'm also getting decent at anticipating what they need so that is all well and dandy!

Fourth, I finally have orientation for my job on Wednesday and hopefully will begin work on Thursday, but I will for sure by next Wednesday (they give me Mondays and Tuesdays off so I can intern).  Keep your fingers crossed that I start Thursday!

Fifth, I really want to try this:

I tried mineral makeup my junior year of highschool for my junior prom, it was the NYC brand and I loved it but I guess they weren't that popular because they stopped making it.  I've always been a little hesitant to try new products, which is why I haven't replaced it with a different brand, but I think I will give this a go in a month or so.... when I have money.

Sixth, I really want to make a Queen of Sheba cake from Julia Child's cookbook.  I got it for Christmas and still haven't made anything!  Lame.

Seventh, I'm having a really hard time balancing life and am not doing Insanity consistently.  Sad face.  This makes me mad but it's ok, I'll figure it out.

Eighth, Il Volo is performing on American Idol this Thursday!  I'm not a fan of the show at all but this is one episode (and the only episode) I'm not going to miss!  Please watch and support them!

Ninth, I love Il Volo.


  1. I GOT IT!!!!! ACH!!! I'M IN LOVE!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. And yes, I did stay up just so I could get it downloaded as soon as possible. I pre-ordered it from iTunes last week and it was only $8! Good deal! And it came with a digital booklet with pictures of them!! I'm TOTALLY blowing up the pics and hanging them on my wall!

  3. :) you sound ubber happy! i'm glade your days of waiting are over.


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