My B!

Sooorry! Moving in and getting used to college is a lot harder than I thought it would be! Well, my adventure will officially start Monday but I think my life has already had changes made to it. I walk almost everywhere and I don't eat as much (budget conscience and not that hungry). I feel really good and I think I'll feel a lot better once I start running. I plan on running 3 times a week, either Mon, Wed, Fri, or Tues, Thurs, Sat, depending on if I want to run after work or not. On the days I don't run I will do one of my exercise videos. I have been eating a lot better)! This day has been hectic so I haven't been able to make anything other than sandwiches but hopefully I will this week. College is a lot of fun so far but it feels more like EFY so I can't wait for classes to start cause it's wierd not having a schedule. I'll keep you posted!
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