Mi Chiamo Tess

I have decided to go to Italy for the summer of 2013. I am totally in love and want to live there for four months and experience the culture of high fashion, Renaissance architecture, and gorgeous voices and men!
The Trevi Fountain
Awesome dress I want to wear - haute couture is amazing!
As you may know, I am a schemer. Some of my highly thought out schemes include and are not limited too:
1. Move to the French countryside and live as a hermit
2. Move to Austria or Poland and become a nun
3. Move to Alaska and live off the grid
4. Move to Alaska and become a woodland fairy (not sure how I thought I was going to pull that one off...)
5. Become a Dallas Texas Cowboy Cheerleader
6. Live in the Uintah Mountains like a medieval cave woman and await the pending doom of the world.... yes, I am crazy.
But this new scheme is different! I'm in love! With what, you ask? Il Volo.
These guys are absolutely amazing and has made me into an obsessive and freaky fan and I don't care! Ok.... maybe a little, but still, they are the best thing I have ever heard and has made me fall in love with Italy... or just their male specimens.... Now my plan is to become drop dead gorgeous so I can win myself a real man! Like this one:
(the one dead center)
So to have any chance, I have to at look as good as the girls in the photo but to have a sure fire shot, I have to look like the lovely Sophia Lorren:
I actually do not know who she is, all I know is she's Italian, gorgeous, and either really old now or possibly dead... But she's what I need to look like and luckily for me, I kinda already look like her! I just need to get skinny, toned, and tanned, figure out my hair and makeup and clothes and voila! I'm ready! (Plus, I need to learn Italian... small detail that I am already working on)
How am I going to do this? With this:
The most awesome cardio workout ever! I am so excited to do it! I'll be doing this in the mornings and then working out at the gym with my Daddio for a couple of hours after work. Get ready for Lagoon because I'm gonna be a totally new Tessie!
P.S. Check out Il Volo on youtube or facebook. You'll see why I'm so obsessed :)

This post made me grin from ear to ear. I thought to myself that you do kind of look like Sophia Loren before you even said that so-yes! You go girl. Just you make sure he is a drop dead gorgeous Mormon Italian. I saw several of them interviewed the other day about the LDS temple they are building in Rome so I know they exist! Maybe if you learn Italian you will get called on a mission there and come back to marry one of them! It could happen!
ReplyDeleteIl Volo really are amazing! Watch the video everyone!! you will be blown away!!! Italy is quite the romantic city. I'm excited to see what comes from this!! It would be pretty cool to have an Italian in the family!