Product Review: Skincare Edition

About 2 years ago, I had the worst acne I ever had.  Ever.  It was most devastating things of my life and my mom wanted to put me on Acutane or whatever it was called.  I heard some that it really messed up your body and there are all these precautions you have to take to make sure there is no chance that you get pregnant cause that baby will be messed up if you're on it.... Now, I'm not really one of those all natural hippy people, but if something messes up a human that much, I say, something's not right.  But that's just me.  Plenty of people I know have gone on acutane and have had much success and happiness.  All power to them.  It's just not for me, so I just found different solutions that I'm gonna share with you.  You're welcome.

1.The first miracle worker was the Premier Dead Sea Exfoliating Gel.  Sad story, but I was walking in the mall with my sister and one of those ladies from a booth in the middle of walkway (you know what I'm talking about, the ones who won't take no for an answer!  Gotta admire their persistence) came up to me and said, "You have terrible acne, come here, I have something for you!"  Talk about a blow to my self esteem!  I didn't know how to gracefully get out of that one so I followed her and am I glad I did!  This stuff is the bee's knees!  She said to only use it once a week because it is so "rough" but I used it everyday...  I think twice a day but maybe it was once, and boy, did it make a difference!  Having a fantastic exfoliator is beyond important and I totally recommend this but if you have decent skin I would only use once or twice a week.  You can get this for $30 at Amazon or wander your local mall, maybe you'll find a booth where you can haggle for a lower price :)

2.  MAC Cosmetics Green Gel Cleanser - I love this!  I found it because I was doing research on MAC cosmetics because all the makeup youtube tutorials I like to watch say MAC is the way to go and then I found this cleanser.  I got mine at Dillard's but if the Dillard's close to you does not have a MAC counter you can get it here.  This has a lot of bang for your buck and your skin feels awesome!  I have noticed a huge difference in how oily it is and I LOVE IT!  I got the 5 oz container and I've had it for a month and only about a 6th of it (if that) is gone.  Totally worth it.
3.  MAC Mineralize All-Over Lotion - This stuff is so amazing!  Again, a little goes a LONG way!  My skin feels a-MAZ-ing!  It does not feel tight and it's oil free!  And it doesn't feel gross and slimy, just wonderful!  Buy here or go to Dillard's.  I didn't see it on the MAC website, I don't know what that is about, but they had something similar...  IDK, but this stuff is da bomb!

4.   Clean & Clear Persa-Gel 10 - This is what I use to keep my hard core nasty acne at bay.  When I went to the dermatologist 2 years ago "to go on acutane" as my mom thought, the doctor gave me a bunch of samples of the hardcore prescription ointment to see if that helped.  That combined with the dead sea scrub is what got it under control.  This persa gel is what keeps it under control.  It is the strongest over the counter ointment and it works!  Just make sure you get the brand name and not the off brand because there is a difference and it only costs 1 or 2 dollars more!  Don't be stupid, get the Clean and Clear.  (It's available everywhere, Wal-Mart, Target, Safeway, EVERYWHERE!)

5. Neutrogena Stress Control Products - Part of getting rid of acne is also recognizing what causes it so you can treat it specifically, in my case stress was the biggest cause so I use these products.  I have only ever used the scrub and lately the toner cause I noticed I was more stressed, it was affecting my skin and I needed an extra kick.  Totally works.  Again, they're sold everywhere so just trot down to whereever and get it.... if you're stressed :)

I use these products day and night and my skin is rockin it again :)  Of course  make sure that you drink plenty of water, have a good diet and exercise regimen, and get enough sleep and you'll be rocking movie star skin in no time!

P.S.  I tried to find a before pic but apparently I had the good sense not to be photographed so I have nothing but here's an after for proof that this stuff works :)


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