
One of my most favorite things in the world is take out pizza, more specifically, Little Caesar's.   Given the choice I would rather have a piece of pepperoni pizza than chocolate.  Yes, that is how much I love pizza.  However, right now (or ever, but especially right now) is not the best time to have a pizza.

Today I fell.

I had a piece of pizza.

I want to throw up.

I am not bulimic.

I just feel really gross.

Quite a shock to the system, you know?

So here's the story, tonight was institute night, and because part of my job (in general, not just me) is to set up the tables for the refreshments, we are usually invited to partake.  I have been strong for the past couple of weeks and do not even venture forth with my coworkers.  And usually it is not tempting.  But tonight they had pizza....

I was strong and did not go.  But I work with nice people (usually) and the brought back extra for those who did not go with them.  So I was offered a slice.  I refused.  They then began to eat in front of me.  I couldn't help but gaze at their plates longingly.  Tyson saw and understood.  He asked the fatal question.

"Do you want to smell it?"

Now, I know this sounds bizarre and creepy, all rolled into one.  You have to understand, though, dear reader, that the power of smell is very....... sorry to be obvious, but powerful.  I usually am fulfilled by smelling something that I want to eat.  I think it has to do with the whole smell is half of taste or whatever. 

Anyway, long story short, I kept smelling it (I know it's weird, don't judge me!) and then ate the pizza!  Ugh!  The first bite was amazing, and I could not resist and before I knew it (well, longer than that, I remember eating it, I'm not that gross as to inhale it), it was gone and I felt ill.  Worst decision of the night.  Second worse?  Starting a chalk fight with Jake.  Should have known that I was going to lose that one.  Maybe next time......

On a brighter note, my roommate said that my face is looking thinner!  Go me!

P.S. That's my "model" face, in case you were wondering.


  1. Tess,

    Pizza is hard for me to resist too. Oh pizza, how I love thee.

    Don't be too hard on yourself. Forgive and forget. Just keep moving forward.

    I thought that your face looked thinner when I saw you last Saturday. You are doing awesome!

    -Auntie jen

  2. Awww, Tess! I didn't know I had killed you. I'm sorry. You just looked so sad about not having any pizza, and I really did get an extra 1 piece for you. Then you said you didn't want it. When I saw you look at me/ the pizza like that I though I should make you happy. Sorry if I made you sad in the long run. I still love you! ;)


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